Life seems to have a way about shitting on me. From day one its been an uphill fight on a skateboard and doesnt seem to ever let up. Some, actually MOST people in my life get a big GFY!! In my 37 years of life on this miserable planet I have learned that you can trust NO ONE, especially women. I have learned that there really is no such thing as friends and people in general pretty much dont give a fuck about ANYTHING except themselves, even I am guilty of this from time to time. I have also learned that LIFE and DEATH are the same, GOD is VERY real, Earth is actually HELL, and blood really is fucking salty.
I have learned that I lost the only woman that probably ever really cared about me. I think about this often and cant pin-point how I did this, but I did. Now I get really paranoid about talking about the one thing in my life that is AWESOME and that is being a daddy. My daughter is so awesome that I cant believe she came from me. I get so paranoid with the net and "stuff" that I dont like talking about her and rarely will you see a picture, but she is my sunshine...completely and totally.
I completed 15 years in the Army before I was medically discharged. Been in 1 conflict and 1 war and what a bullshit reason to go to war...yeah I said it, we had NO BUSINESS being there and still dont, so for that OUR government gets a BIG GFY!!! Ive been all over the world and my feelings are pretty much the same: PEOPLE ARE ALL GIANT ASSHOLES!!! With ONE exception...AMSTERDAM!! I think CAPITALISM as well as DEMOCRACY are ruining our country and it wont change because all "Americans" want to do is sit on their asses and watch our country be raped and sodomized...FUCK THAT....NOT ON MY WATCH!!
So fast in this shit-hole town, in a shit-hole state HOPING the rest of the country isnt a shit-hole, my daughter is leaving and I feel like my apartment is a prison kinda sucks right now
Hey Bro now you can follow me KillerKotulski